
20 Jan 2012

Smashwords Announcement.

We're now very happy to announce that our eBooks will be available now on three on-line outlets; Amazon Kindle, Kobo and Smashwords.

We're also working with Google Books and the iBookstore this month to bring you more great content that is accessible to all, in all formats and countries.

North Highland Publishing started selling eBooks on probably the world's most famous book store - Amazon. And now we want to be able to offer eBooks in all platforms. We're fast approaching this goal with more and more on-line retailers being added to our list. 

It has been a wonderful start to the new year to welcome in these new retailers and this is of course wonderful news for any potential author whose looking to sell across different eBook platforms. 

In 2011 we could only offer to sell an authors eBooks on our own website and on Kindle. And now, in 2012, the possibilities are becoming realities as we're opening the door on these marvelous opportunities to sell on other well known websites. 

We'll keep you updated throughout the month - and the year - as our progress grows from strength to strength. 

6 Jan 2012

Write a Book Challenge.

So, now we're 6 days into our new year - how many resolutions have you stayed true to? 

Or are you finding out you're one of those who promised themselves to lose that extra weight they've been trying to shift and are cracking open the chocolates instead?

Why not take our New Year's Challenge for 2012 and write a book?

This Challenge is great for those who've spent a long time promising themselves they'd write their book. Make 2012 your year to finally get started on your book - and to complete it!

Follow us on both the North Highland Publishing and 'Write a Book for 2012' Facebook pages to kept updated - and motivated.

Be quick as spaces on this Challenge are limited!