
6 Dec 2010

I've Had Better Days.

Have you ever had one of those days where you get out of bed foolishly believing that today, out of the 365 days of the year, you’re going to have a good day?
Yep, me too. And it just so happened that today was that day.
The following things may seem petty, but it really does amaze me how much we rely on our technology.
I woke up at a decent time, so I felt like I could plough straight ahead with the day. I booted up my laptop, all was going well, and suddenly the power cut out. Now my laptop has been having some issues over the past few days with the power cord – basically it is dying a slow, painful death.
I was somehow able to engineer the power cord so that it balanced at a perfect angle so I wouldn’t run out of battery power and I began to work on a guest post I’ve been asked to write for an upcoming blog feature (more on that at a later date.) I then proceeded to copy and paste some interesting details into the document and it crashed. No worries, there’s always the auto-save and restore option. When you rely on your technology you have a throat-closing-over reaction when suddenly it lets you down.
I open a new document. No auto-save. No restore option. It’s gone, gone, gone.
Will someone please buy me a typewriter!
I declared that I was giving up Facebook, (oh yeah, did I mention I’m having issues over there? I didn’t? Well I won’t bore you with details!) unplugging my Broadband and moving to the hills to live a charmed life eating berries and making clothes out of leaves.
But before I turned into Mrs Bear Grylls, I thought about my technological situation ten years ago. You had to rely on encyclopaedia’s instead of Wikipedia, On-line TV programmes through the BBC (or Hulu if you’re Stateside) didn’t exist and YouTube was an insult.
The wealth of knowledge, freedom and enjoyment (e.g US based Netflix and UK based LoveFilm, both postal DVD rental companies, recently launched a video streaming service to customers on their “unlimited” packages) to be made through the technology we have today is incredible – Aunt Betty in New Zealand ten years ago who may have occasionally called on a very crackly line can now view photos of her favourite nieces and nephews instantly – and if we’re sacrificing a little piece of our sanity for the gain it has given us, then it surely has to be far worth it.

Want to improve your camera skills? Click HERE to see our eBook on Camera Skills.


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